Well, here we are once again. 2015 is nearly in our collective rear-view mirror, the November Book has been written and you’re now less than one year away before the polls close on your 2016 election night coverage. Ready. Set. Curate those tweets!
From american idol to election night, 5 reasons to include your viewer's political voice.
Topics: Shout, Social Media, Elections
The buzzword Big Data is normally used to describe a massive volume of structured or unstructured data. Big Data may be analysed to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behavior and interactions.
Topics: Player Tracking, Tracab, Sports Technology
Skype and Google Hangouts in Your Live Broadcast Toolbox
Imagine a breaking news situation. You want to get a live feed, interviews and images on air as quickly as possible, but it's a location that is difficult for a satellite truck to reach or you don’t have access to a truck at all.
So, how do you get your on-location content on air? Well, to start with, almost all of us are already equipped with a highly competent video camera with a built in live Up-Link...
Topics: Toolbox